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Policies and Procedures



Permission Forms

Each student must complete and turn in a Travel Permission Form signed by his or her parent or legal guardian in order to travel with the band to football games and other marching events. Students cannot ride a bus until their permission forms have been turned in. Please place completed and signed forms in the band hall office or hand to a band director.


Rehearsals for the 2023-2024 season

Full marching band practice begins daily at 7:25 am –8:25 am on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and 5:00 pm -7:30pm on Tuesday/Thursdays. Any changes in the marching rehearsal schedule will be announced by the directors.


Required Items for Marching Season

For marching season, all wind instrument players need a flip folio and a marching lyre. Flip folios and lyres may be purchased at RBC Music, High School Music Service, or Hillje Music. Take your horn with you to ensure the lyre you purchase fits properly. Any music store should sell them.



Uniforms and hats will be issued in the band hall before the band departs for marching events. For all marching performances, all band students must bring the following:

  • Complete uniform and hat (casual short sleeve until notified)

  • Official Band Shirt & Shorts (O’Connor Shirt & Shorts) to be worn under uniform.

  • Black socks & black gloves.

  • Clean and polished, black marching shoes.

  • Flip folio with sheet music.

  • Marching lyre (all musicians).

  • Your instrument!

Policies for Football Games and Other Marching Events

O’Connor Band students are encouraged to have fun during marching season, but they are also expected to display professionalism and respectfulness while representing their school at band events. A supportive attitude and cooperation from each individual regarding the following policies will ensure an enjoyable and successful season for all:

NO JEWELRY may be worn on the buses, in the stands, or at any time during football games or other marching events. The only exception is O’Connor senior rings. Students are advised to leave their jewelry and all valuables at home to prevent loss or theft.

NO NAIL POLISH may be worn on the buses or at any time during marching contest events. Students wearing nail polish will be required to remove it before boarding buses for a competition.

NO CELL PHONES, MP3 PLAYERS, VIDEO GAMES, OR OTHER PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DEVICES are permitted in the stands, and are discouraged on the buses due to the potential for loss or theft. In the case of an emergency that requires a phone call, students should notify a chaperone.

NO FOOD, DRINKS, CANDY, OR GUM may be brought on the buses or into the stands. Chaperones will provide plenty of water during games, marching contests, and other marching events.

After-School Procedures on Game Days

On game days, depending on the band’s scheduled departure time, students may receive a short after-school break to leave campus to eat dinner, if time permits before the band’s call time. For earlier departures, students may be required to stay on campus after school. In these cases, the Band Boosters will provide a Game Day Dinner that the students may purchase (See website for schedule & menu).

After the Games and Other Marching Events

Uniform Check-In — Upon returning to school, students must check in their uniforms and hats before going home. Please place hats in their cases and hang the garments properly on their hangers, making sure all buttons are buttoned, zippers are zipped, etc., before turning them in.

Student Pick-Up — For the safety of all students, parents should make every effort to be at the school when the band returns, ready to pick up their children.

PLEASE BE ON TIME when picking up your children after band events.


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